Updates. updates, updates. Oh My!
I had a guest musician perform a solo on the song “Finale”. Kinda cool as he’s in New York and everything was done via the internet. That song will be updated soon as I am still editing it. Although it’s really done. Just being careful in my mixing. (smile)
Also, have been experimenting with videos. I thought “why not do a simple video of Public Plane?” so, I searched for royalty free video and public domain ones that I could use, which doesn’t mean I won’t in the future actually purchase ones I really like, it was more of a test for me. One to see if I could make it, and two to post it. Not only here, but various youtube like sites. Which I haven’t done yet but plan on. Will also probably fiddle with the video some and change a few parts as I find clips I like better.
Until then – give her a spin. Located on the Music page. It’s a trip through the Universe and back. Kinda. (smile)
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