In the coming months there will be “Kalani Part 1”, a five tune EP for sale in both Vinyl and CD. Currently, the Vinyl album artwork has been completed and CD artwork is in progress and should be done in a few days. Price TBD – the shopping cart is non-functional until the discs arrive.
URONE is always looking for like minded musicians to collaborate with, enjoy other progressive rock and work together to bring even one smile to a person listening. Please drop me a note with the “contact form” (removed) or use the email provided – even just to say hi! Update: I’ve removed the contact form as I mostly get spam. After 500+ contacts with the same info about making the website reach a larger audience, I’ve decided to remove the contact us form, as the spam protection wasn’t working quite right. For some strange reason my email was ignored. So, please contact me with it below. Thanks, CJ